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Carlo Alberto Rastelli was born in Parma on 25/10/1986. In 2010, thanks to the Erasmus program, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Riga, Latvia. In 2012 he graduated in Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera. In 2016 he attended the Glo' Art residence in Lanaken, Belgium. In 2018 he attended the SIM arts residence in Reykievik, Iceland. He lives and works in Milan.
2019 "The Body Snatchers", solo exibithion curated by Donato Viglione, Palazzo Coluccia, Specchia (LE); "Stand Five Gallery", Grand'Art, The Mall, Milano; "Fragilità", curated by Romina Sangiovanni, OnArt Gallery, Firenze; "Summer exibithion 2019", CRAG Gallery, Torino; "Premio Combat 2019 - Mostra degli artisti finalisti", Museo Giovanni Fattori, Livorno; "Scemi di Guerra", event from "Walk-in Studio 2019", studio di Filippo Cristini, Milano; "Art and Fashion", curated by OverArt, Spazio Biffi, Milano 2018 "Dimensione Fragile", curated by Paola Paesano and Jasmine Piagnatelli, Biblioteca Valliceliiana, Roma; "Stand Bonelli Lab", SetUp Art Fair, Palazzo Pallavicini, Bologna; "The Walls of Standing Time", curated by Federica Maria Giallombardo, Casa Turese, Vitulano (BN); "68/Revolution", curated by Chiara Schirru and Ivo Serafino Fenu, Pinacoteca Carlo Contini, Oristano; "Zodiaco", curated by Daina Maja Titonel, MAC Gallery, Roma; "Opere per una collezione", curated by Andrea B. Del Guercio, Five Gallery, Lugano (CH). 2017 "FO.GA.RA. dal fare dell'arte", CASA TURESE arte contemporanea, Vitulano (BN), IT; "La Responsabilità dell'immagine. Sei giovani Artisti a Brera incontrano il contemporaneo" curated by Giorgio Seveso, Trezzo sull'Adda, IT; Paesaggi e Territori, Five Gallery, Lugano; "Knots", solo exhibition curated by Alberto Zanchetta, Dream Factory - Laboratorio Arte Contemporanea, Milan, IT; We Are The Ones Doing Works On Canvas, Painting xxxx, Carlsberg Byens Galleri & Kunstsalon, København, DK; Stand Five Gallery, Art Karlsruhe 2017, Karlsruhe, D. 2016 Stand Casa Turese, SetUp Art Fair, Bologna, IT; Stand Five Gallery, Art Karlsruhe 2016, Karlsruhe, D; Stand Five Gallery, Art Cologne, Cologne, D; "Visibilità" curated by Out 44, Villa Brivio, Nova Milanese (MB), IT; "Paesaggi", Studio d'Arte Cannaviello, Milan, IT. 2015 'Helvetica N.", Five Gallery, Lugano. 2014 ‘Caleidoscopio Contemporaneo’, curated by Andrea Del Guercio, Five Gallery, Lugano; ‘Pathosformel’, curated by Alberto Mattia Martini, Galleria De Magistris, Milan, IT; ‘Pop Art Revolution’, curated by Eletronic Art Cafè, MdMMuseum, Porto Cervo, IT; ‘Last Young - Under 35 in Italia’, curated by Arianna Baldoni, Rossella Farinotti e Lorenzo Respi, Villa Brivio, Nova Milanese, IT. 2013 ‘Me against the world’, double solo with Dave Calver, Spazio Orlandi, Milan, IT; There’s a party in my head and no one is invited’, OffBrera, Milan, IT; ‘La collezione dei dipinti, dei disegni delle stampe’, Banca Sistema, Rome, IT. 2012 ‘Seconda pelle’, Triennale Design Museum, Milan, IT; Mostra dei finalisti del Premio Arte 2012, Palazzo della Permanente, Milan, IT; ‘Corpi Estranei’, Spazio Concept, Milan, IT; ‘Buste Dipinte’, Spazio Oberdan, Milan, IT. 2011 ‘Raw faces’, Galleria Accedemia Contemporanea, Milan, IT; 2010 ‘Brera @ Lugano’, Laboratorio Kunsthalle Lugano, Lugano. |