Photo gallery
Riccardo Garolla was born in 1986 in Tradate (VA), Italy. He studied Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan. Currently he lives and works in Milan.
2018 Premio Morlotti, Imbersago, Milan, Italy; ArtKarlsruhe, FiveGallery, Karlsruhe, Germany; Setup Artfair, FiveGallery, Bologna, Italy; Picasso contemporaneo, Fivegallery, Lugano, Switzerland 2017 Carte e Lettere tra Emozioni e Sentimenti (Gallery Night), Five Gallery, Lugano (CH) SOLO; ArtKarlsruhe, Five Gallery, Karlsruhe, Germany 2016 Koln Artfair, Five Gallery, Koln, Germany; ArtKarlsruhe, Five Gallery, Karlsruhe, Germany 2015 Viviani prize, Milan; Sistema Bank, Milan; Hotlab Space, Milan; A.R.T. VE. Chiesa di S. Andrea della Zirada, Venice; AAF Affordable Art Fair, Milan; MONITO. Five Gallery, Lugano (CH) SOLO 2014 Electric Skies, Offbrera gallery, Milan SOLO; Opengallery, Five Gallery, Lugano; Caleidoscopio del contemporaneo, Five Gallery, Lugano; ArtVerona fair, Five Gallery, Verona; Premio Ricoh, Spazio Oberdan, Milan 2013 The happiest, Cenacolo di Bagutta, Milan SOLO; ARTAmadeus, ArtHotel Amadeus, Salzburg, Austria; EXXX evento parallelo 55 biennale, Kurdish pavillion, Venice; Panorama, Circoloquadro gallery, Milan; Arte in Sarpi, Milano 2012 Half Men Half Dogs, AccademiaContemporanea gallery, Milan, SOLO; Interni d’Artista, Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Milan; MACAM Museo di Arte Contemporanea all’Aperto di Maglione, fresco residency, Turin; In Your Place, spazio 104b, Milan; Infrachiostri, Università Statale, Milan. 2011 UNIDEE, città dell’arte -Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella,Turin; Salon Primo, museo della permanente, Milan; Premio Ghiggini, galleria Ghiggini, Varese. AVAILABLE WORKS |